European Network for Social Innovation and Solidarity – ENSIS
Legal notice
Terms and condition of use
The information on this site is subject to a disclaimer, a copyright notice and rules related to personal data protection.
ENSIS maintains this website to enhance access of its members and partners to inform about its initiatives and those of its members & partners in general. ENSIS accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information on this site. This information is:
- not professional or legal advice (if you need specific advice, you should always consult a suitably qualified professional).
- sometimes linked to external sites over which the Commission services have no control and for which the Commission assumes no responsibility;
The author is the only one to be responsible or liable for writing or posting information, blogs or documents on this website. It does not imply any collective responsibility or liability from the group or the users as a collectivity. It is recalled that according to applicable laws, it is banned to write or post any document, information, wire or blog which
- would have a slanderous, discriminatory, illicit, illegal or obscene character.
- would be related or connected to activities slanderous, discriminatory, illicit, illegal or obscene
- would not cope with laws on copyrights and theImage rights.
Copyright notice
© European Communities, 1995–2011 Reproduction is authorised, provided the source is acknowledged, save where otherwise stated. Where prior permission must be obtained for the reproduction or use of textual and multimedia information (sound, images, software, etc.), such permission shall cancel the above-mentioned general permission and shall clearly indicate any restrictions on use.
Personal Data Protection
The policy on “protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions” is based on Regulation (EC) N° 45/2001of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000. Information contained in a specific privacy statement. A specific privacy policy statement will contain the following information about the use of your data:
- Personal information is collected with a view to sharing expertise and views amongst a community of users. They are not collected for direct marketing purposes;
- The person is free to choose the degree of personal information he or she would like to provide on this website. Except of name and surname, there is no compulsory data. Each user can choose the level of accessibility of his/her data by selecting the category of users authorized to consult the data. All personal data are compiled on a profile page. The person can access his/her profile at any time to verify its accuracy and, if necessary, correct it.
- ENSIS will only keep your data for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose of collection or further processing;
If you have queries or complaints, please contact
Design and logo created by Mariana Vale
The Webdesign was adapted for this platform by Ron Müller.