What is ENSIS ?
The European Network for Social Innovation and Solidarity (ENSIS) is a nonprofit organisation created by a spontaneous initiative of a group of European friends sharing common ideas and wishing to strive for a social Europe based on solidarity. It has been officially registered in 2013 in Lüneburg (Germany) under German law.
Our vision
ENSIS objective is to stimulate and foster the development of a coherent social policy in Europe, based on social innovation and solidarity, by empowering social organizations.
Our mission
ENSIS brings together local, regional, national and Europe-wide organisations within the social sector (whether professionally-staffed or based on volunteers) as well as not for profit initiatives committed to collective solidarity and wishing to develop a social Europe through programmes of social innovation. Individuals can also support ENSIS by becoming associate members. Today it covers 6 EU countries (Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Portugal, Italy and United Kingdom) and comprises members of various sizes and types.
Our aims
Policy proposals: social sector organisations adhering to ENSIS wish to give visibility to their policy proposals on the European stage. Our policy proposals aim towards a social Europe firmly based on solidarity.
Exchange of good practices: ENSIS members wish to share their experience and further develop their expertise through the exchange of good practices, and to promote innovative actions based on solidarity through common projects, seminars, education and training. Notably, this includes coordinating the implementation of EU-funded projects developed by the member organisations.
Solidarity projects: ENSIS wishes to foster a social Europe based on solidarity, through projects jointly developed with other networks, through civil society initiatives, together with stakeholders and supporters of our network.
We are close connected with different organisations European wide: with partner organisations, European institutions and friends across Europe.