Kaikki kirjoittajan Christoph Kusche artikkelit

ENSIS: New EU Grant Application is out for ”Europe for Citizens” and the project successful finished

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/// EU FUNDING ///

New partnership between ENSIS and Global Citizen in the Europe for Citizens programme.

This call related to Strand 2 of the programme, covering democratic engagement and civic participation. ENSIS associated with other social organisations coordinated by the Danish NGO Global Citizen fostering sustainability through intercultural and transnational cooperation and by generating solutions based on knowledge and information sharing.  Background information here

If EU funds are granted, Global Citizen will implement a project called Cosi (Community of Sustainable innovation). Cosi will gather civil society organisations from Italy, Germany and Denmark in face to face meetings and via a dedicated online platform in a joint effort to tackle sustainability challenges. Cosi could enable interaction, enhance tolerance, foster a sustainable and inclusive economy.

Association pour la santé des femmes

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The ADSF (Association pour le développement de la santé des femmes), is an initiative of Dr Bernard Guillon, launched in 2001 in order to help vulnerable women access to health care, education, and economic activities, through principles of empathy and collaboration with medical, social and education institutions and other complementary NGOs. Among other activities, ADSF volunteers go to settlements with gynecologists and doctors, make studies and reports on health care access for those vulnerable women, conduct awereness-raising actions on the consequences of violence on women’s health. They are very active around Paris in Saint-Denis and Saint-Ouen and Katia BRUNEAU who is used to volunteer with the mobile teams in a Roma settlement wrote an article for ADSF’s last Newsletter.

Have a look here

Innovative holistic model to prevent radicalisation

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In the aftermath of the recent sad events in Paris, you can find here the identification of nine key preventive mechanisms against radicalisation and crime, in a book written by Tore Bjørgo. The prevention of terrorism and responses to terrorism should not be two separate tracks or activities. This book presents an holistic model that goes beyond this division.

More info here

Qu’est ce que l’innovation sociale ?

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Ce concept souvent entendu est parfois difficile à cerner. Il inclue la notion de solution, de nouveauté et de durabilité, pour répondre à des besoins sociaux insuffisamment satisfaits aujourd’hui. L’innovation concerne aussi bien un produit, un service, qu’un mode d’organisation, ou de distribution. Elle implique généralement de nouvelles collaborations ainsi que la participation des bénéficiaires de ces solutions.  L’Atelier (Centre de ressources de l’économie sociale et solidaire), a regroupé pour vous quelques définitions ici : http://www.atelier-idf.org/connaitre-ess/innovation-sociale/innovation-sociale-definitions.htm

Plus d’informations sur le site de la Commission européenne :


Social Innovation – A Decade of Changes

Anteeksi, mutta tämä kirjoitus on saatavana ainoastaan näillä kielillä: English.

Orbis, a unique interinstitutional project on forward planning to identify and analyse the key trends and challenges, and the resulting policy choices, which are likely to confront Europe and the wider world in the decades ahead issued a very interesting report on social innovation :

Have a look at the report here 

Eurooppalainen keskustelu: Hyvinvointi Euroopassa 16. huhtikuuta Brysselissä

Puheenjohtaja Christoph Kuschen haastattelu



Sosiaalisen innovoinnin ja solidaarisuuden eurooppalaisen verkoston (ENSIS) puheenjohtajan Christoph Kuschen haastattelu.
Konferenssi: Eurooppalainen keskustelu: Vauraus Euroopassa**on mahdollista vain, jos eriarvoisuuden kasvu pysäytetään.
Järjestäjä: Hans Böckler -säätiö, Euroopan ammattiyhdistysinstituutti.

Professori Paul Krugman, Princetonin yliopisto, taloustieteen Nobel-palkinnon saaja vuonna 2008

Paikka: Bryssel, The Hotel alkaen: 16.04.2015 – 17.04.2015.

tässä konferenssin täydellinen dokumentaatio


The power of social and emotional skills

Anteeksi, mutta tämä kirjoitus on saatavana ainoastaan näillä kielillä: English, Français ja Português.


OECD report ”Skills for social progress: The power of social and emotional skills” 
This report presents a synthesis of the OECD empirical work that aims at identifying the types of social and emotional skills that drive children’s future outcomes. It also describes evidence on how policy makers, schools and families facilitate social and emotional skills development through teaching practices, parenting and intervention programmes. This report investigates how policy makers and schools are currently responding to the demands for monitoring and enhancing social and emotional skills. It concludes by questioning whether education stakeholders can do more to better develop and mobilise these skills.

A Beginner’s Guide to EU Funding

Anteeksi, mutta tämä kirjoitus on saatavana ainoastaan näillä kielillä: English, Français ja Português.

/// EU INSTITUTIONAL NEWS /// European Commission publication ”A Beginner’s Guide to EU Funding”

This publication introduces beginners to the wide range of EU funding opportunities available. It offers basic guidance on the application procedures and tells you where to find more details. The guide contains the most recent information about the current EU programmes  and the financial period 2014–20. It targets six main categories of potential applicants: small and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs), non-governmental organisations (NGOs), young people, researchers, farmers and public bodies. It can help you get started if you have not applied for EU funding before, but it might be also useful if you already have prior experience with these programmes